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Jimikki Ponnu is the name of the song we dance to on Youtube here:
Do you want to dance this choreography yourself? Perhaps perform it at an event or for your friends and family?
Learning from just looking at a dance video is not always easy, so we created a tutorial with step by step instructions, filmed from the back into the mirror reflection.


Pre-recorded videos in the member pages of our website
Designed for a few minutes commitment each day over 7 days
However it's self-paced and the content is available for 1 year
You can also do it all in one afternoon, if you prefer to "crash course" it

Several bitesize chunks (1 each day, with the 7th day for revision & consolidation)
Each day you have:
- a breakdown of the sequence
- assigning the count to the moves
- pratice to music
- technique snapshots (not full detail as this is a choreo tutorial, but a couple key points to help digest)
- an opportunity to track and upload your progress


General level

General level. Some sections of the choreography are fast paced + switching between hand postures can be demanding if you're not used to them.

Techniques include: maya, omi, undulation, reverse undulation, fig of 8, knee shimmies, spins

Perhaps best suited for students of our school Level 3 and up - students of Levels 3, 4, 5, 6 - or for an adventurous Level 2 student who loves a challenge!

Warm up and stretch are not included in the videos, you're responsible for warming up your body before dancing and stretching your muscles after. This ritual nurtures your body, helps you dance more fluidly and helps prevent injury.

As with any form of exercise, be sure to listen to your body and only do what feels comfortable for you. This choreography tutorial is not a substitute for a live belly dance class. It is a self paced series of short video recordings for you to use as information and integrate in your dance jourmey, please note that you are responsible for your personal health and safety at all times.


Booking & Access

Once you've purchased this tutorial we will send you access to the tutorial pages within 24 hours of booking. Create a login (top right corner of our website) as you need to be logged in for access to our member pages. Prefer to have immediate access? Book the tutorial here

Choreography Tutorial to Jimikki Ponnu: Learn step by step

SKU: JimikkiPonnuTutorial
  • Fees are non-refundable.

    Note: You need good internet to fully benefit from this pre-recorded series of videos

    Once you've purchased this tutorial you will find our confirmation email in your main inbox / promotions folder / spam folder. Or contact us at and we can resend it  :-)

    Within 24hours of purchase you will receive the link to the tutorial pages, you need to be logged in (have created a login) to our website for it to work, click top right of our website for the Login.


    Disclaimer: As with any form of exercise, be sure to listen to your body and only do what feels comfortable for you. You are responsible for your personal health and safety at all times.


    A heartfelt thank you – we’re excited to be part of your dance journey!